Distrobird — Free Sales Engagement Platform

Sequences, cloud call center, shared inbox, form tracking and more — on a single platform. Double your sales team's output with fewer tools.

Johnny Sort


johnny sort - konsulent i livskvalitet jeg tilbyder foredrag, kursus- og temadage til private, faggrupper og virksomheder, hvor jeg målrettet inspirerer og motiverer. det handler om at se mulighederne frem for begrænsningerne. få nye ideer og inspiration til at skabe positive forandringer. blive motiveret til at lave de tiltage, som vil gøre hverdagen i privatlivet eller arbejdeslivet endnu mere meningsfyldt og ikke mindst sjovt. jeg gør meget ud af, at mine deltagere både får en meningsfyldt og sjov oplevelse. jeg er som foredragsholder meget nærværende og bruger åbent og ærligt af min egen livserfaring. jeg har afholdt omkring 2000 foredrag, kurser og temadage og har en god erfaring med at nå ud med mine budskaber og lægger en stor ære i, at mine deltagere føler, at de har fået et positivt udbytte. læs mere om mig, mine forskellige foredrag og kursus-/temadag og hvordan du booker på min hjemmeside www.johnnysort.dk. du er også meget velkommen til at følge mig på facebook

Events Services
Annual Revenue:

Type: Private
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Frequently asked questions about Johnny Sort

Let us help answer the most common questions you might have.

What is Johnny Sort's official website?

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Johnny Sort's official website is johnnysort.dk

What industry does Johnny Sort belong to?

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Johnny Sort is in the industry of: Events Services

What are Johnny Sort's social media links?

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Johnny Sort Linkedin page

Distrobird — Free Sales Engagement Platform

Sequences, cloud call center, shared inbox, form tracking and more — on a single platform. Double your sales team's output with fewer tools.

You’ll be in good company
Calling Distrobird an all-in-one tool is an oversimplification of the value it delivers. All the workflows we need to acquire and support our SMB users across all channels are deeply integrated. I couldn’t be happier with our choice.

Jody Schnarr

CEO of Fibernetics

The #1 reason why we chose Distrobird is because it provides all the building blocks we need to engage our customers in a unified way — From email, texting, telephony and collaboration. This is probably the last tool you’ll buy for lead and customer outreach.

Laurel Palmer

Director, College Fund, Kalamazoo College

Stitching together a bunch of integrations and add-ons across multiple vendors is not my idea of productivity or efficiency. Thats why we chose Distrobird — each module is as full featured as any standalone competition.

Paul Marai

VP Digital Marketing

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