Candidate engagement platform for modern HR teams
Shared inbox, voice and sales automation for recruiting teams
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Create outbound multi-channel sequences targeting candidates for open positions, or funnel job applicants from website submissions into automated sequences that’ll push them further down your funnel
Create rules to re-engage dormant candidates in your CRM at contract end dates, or when relevant opportunities become available
From emails, to SMS or calls, collaborate with teammates on inbound messages from prospective and staffed candidates, automatically route these requests to the appropriate person on your team without missing a beat
From new applicant engagement, interview scheduling, or placement notifications, automate your outreach via email, SMS or voice, so your recruiters can spend their time building stronger relationships
With a 98% read rate and an average response rate of 40%, our built-in SMS campaign allows your team to schedule hundreds of candidate interviews at a fraction of the time, and reduce no-shows by 25% with automated reminders
Re-engage candidates in your pipeline with useful career related content on a cadence; including matching jobs based on saved attributes. This allows your team to nurture these relationships and increase placements predictably
Create workflows that automate on-boarding messages via email or SMS to new hires on their first day of deployment so they can get started on the right foot
Use automated text messages and emails to re-engage contractors towards the end of their existing contracts; create reassignment tasks for the recruiters on your team to help them keep these contractors top of mind and match them with new assignments as quickly as possible
Missed messages and calls from prospective candidates result in lost revenue for your firm or clients. With our customer-centric inbox, your team gets a single view of each candidate’s interaction with your business across channels and teams, including website activities organized in a chronological timeline. Use SLAs to enforce faster response times on your team so critical messages don’t go unanswered
Distrobird’s automated sequences means you can reach one or a million candidates via email or SMS, and triage campaign responses to the right recruiters on your team without breaking a sweat. Reach your target audience at scale
Smart A/B testing
Inbound call center software
Outbound dialer
Task management
Rules & automation
CRM & Inbox bi-directional sync
Team member activity tracking
Automated tagging
Custom variables
Analytics & reporting
Personalized multi-channel sequences (Email, SMS, voice)
Inbound lead capture & application form tracking
Shared inbox for recruiting@, inquiries@ jobs@
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