Talk to customers from anywhere in the world.
A cloud call-center software designed specifically for sales, support and customer success teams
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An easy to deploy virtual phone system for fast growing small businesses. Built-for-you configurations to help you stay connected with your customers during and outside office hours
Make customer support your competitive advantage. Triage inbound calls to the right reps with flexible rule-based routing
Your sales reps can power through 300+ calls per day without sacrificing quality using our built-in power and preview dialers
Set up in 5 minutes. No complex on-premise hardware. Start speaking with customers and prospects anywhere in the world immediately.
A cloud-based phone system that works just as hard from home as it does in the office.
A scalable phone system for teams of 5 or 5000. Quickly onboard your reps across multiple departments and triage calls to the right agent.
High inbound call volume can overwhelm your team. Distrobird's AI agent will engage inbound callers via text message and help them complete simple tasks like appointment booking, online ordering etc without the help of your teammates
Reduce inbound call volume without sacrificing quality. Deflect low priority calls to chat agents or self-service, so your reps can spend their limited time talking to the customers with the most pressing issues. Increase customer satisfaction while saving up to 70% on your cost per call
Automatically create outbound call campaigns from form submissions across your site so leads stop falling through the cracks. Create call tasks based on lead activity on your site, or engagement across email and SMS channels
Distrobird dynamically localizes each phone call to match the country or local area code of the customers you’re trying to reach anywhere in the world
See how each team or teammate is performing. Our built-in leaderboard shows each Rep. how they stack up against their peers to help them level-up
Our growing list of integrations works with your existing software stack. Use data across our suite of products, or connect to 3rd party applications for better workflow automation and a 360 degree view of each customer or prospect.
Find the 13 best B2B sales prospecting tools and software in 2024. Boost lead generation and streamline sales ...
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Clicks only tell half the story, Track offline sales for a complete customer journey & optimize marketing impa...
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Optimize your sales process with effective lead routing strategies and tools.
Mar 12 • 3 min read
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