Land and expand with ease
Distrobird streamlines the hand-off between your AEs and success team, so you can generate more revenue with the customers you already have
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Poor visibility into the journey of current customers makes it impossible to help them succeed. With a complete record of every interaction; from first-touch to close, your customer success reps will have a clearer view of what drove the initial purchase, and how best to help customers accomplish their goals with your product or service
Extend the lifetime value of current customers by proactively engaging them at the inflection points that matter
From on-boarding emails, free-to-paid conversion, product upsells, or renewals; Distrobird provides all the channels you need to stay on top of your customers' progress and be less reactive
Track the activities of each customer success rep. and hold them accountable for revenue using Distrobird’s built in analytics and leaderboard
Get started — it's freeSite visitor tracking
Form submission tracking
Smart A/B testing
Outbound dialer
Task management
Template performance tracking
Rules & automation
Automated tagging
Custom variables
Positive response detection
Opt-out detection
Analytics & reporting
OOO & automatic replies detection
Do-not-contact domains management
Personalized multi-channel sequences (Email, SMS, voice)
Shared sales inbox for sales@, inquiries@ accounts
CRM & Inbox bi-directional sync
Calendar & appointments (coming soon)
Our growing list of integrations works with your existing software stack. Use data across our suite of products, or connect to 3rd party applications for better workflow automation and a 360 degree view of each customer or prospect.
Find the 13 best B2B sales prospecting tools and software in 2024. Boost lead generation and streamline sales ...
Mar 15 • 12 min read
Clicks only tell half the story, Track offline sales for a complete customer journey & optimize marketing impa...
Mar 12 • 3 min read
Optimize your sales process with effective lead routing strategies and tools.
Mar 12 • 3 min read
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