Everything you need to execute on your selling activities
Stay organized with a shared inbox, automate multi-channel sequences and call prospects all from one console
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Typical email “automation” software tools dump every other essential task on your sales team once a contact replies. This means your reps are still spending 10-15 hours each week wading through non-actionable messages from low-value prospects, and manually logging tasks while the software takes a break. EnterDistrobird
Distrobird starts by funneling inbound leads from your website into relevant multi-channel sequences based on prospect characteristics. Our AI-driven platform takes automation beyond the initial sequence reply by sending prospects down new sequence paths based on their response to the initial outreach or automated follow-ups and/or site visit interactions
Distrobird is designed to save reps 1-2 hours per day by helping them prioritize what opportunities to focus on, and syncing with your CRM automatically
New Reps unsure of how to respond to an objection can quickly @mention a teammate or manager to get instant help, reducing your ramp up time by 30%
Features are great, and we have lots of it. What really matters to you though is making sure that reps are closing deals faster
ROI Calculator
Inbound lead capture & form tracking
Personalized multi-channel sequences (Email, SMS, voice)
Smart A/B testing
Outbound dialer
Shared sales inbox for sales@, inquiries@ accounts
Task management
Template performance tracking
Calendar & appointments (coming soon)
Pipeline management & forecasting (coming soon)
CRM & Inbox bi-directional sync
Rep. activity tracking
Automated tagging
Custom variables
Positive response detection
OOO and automatic replies detection
Opt-out detection
Do-not-contact domains management
Analytics & reporting
Our growing list of integrations works with your existing software stack. Use data across our suite of products, or connect to 3rd party applications for better workflow automation and a 360 degree view of each customer or prospect.
Find the 13 best B2B sales prospecting tools and software in 2024. Boost lead generation and streamline sales ...
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Optimize your sales process with effective lead routing strategies and tools.
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