Top B2B Rocket Alternatives & Competitors in 2024

B2B Rocket not your perfect fit? Explore top alternatives & competitors in 2024. Find the right sales CRM to boost your team's performance.

Choosing the right Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is crucial for any B2B business. While B2B Rocket offers some functionalities, it might not be the ideal solution for everyone.

Top B2B Rocket Alternatives & Competitors such as Distrobird, Salesforce Sales Cloud, HubSpot Sales Hub,, Outreach, Freshworks CRM, Inside Sales, Salesloft, Odoo Sales and Sales Creatio provide feature-rich tools for managing leads, optimizing sales pipelines, and improving customer relationships.

Sure, B2B Rocket might be a good starting point for B2B businesses, particularly those new to CRMs, with some advantages to consider:

  • AI-powered features: B2B Rocket boasts functionalities powered by Artificial Intelligence, such as lead scoring and potentially sales automation. These features can help prioritize leads and streamline workflows.
  • Cost-effectiveness: B2B Rocket might offer competitive pricing compared to some industry leaders.

Why Consider Alternatives to B2B Rocket?

  • More transparent and flexible pricing options from competitors
  • Access to a wider range of sales engagement, productivity, and CRM features
  • Integration with a broader ecosystem of business tools

This blog post dives into the top alternatives, highlighting their pros, cons, and key features to help you find the perfect fit for your B2B sales needs. 

Exploring Top-Rated B2B Rocket Alternatives

Here's a closer look at some of the top alternatives to B2B Rocket, each with its own strengths and weaknesses:

1. Distrobird

Distrobird is a powerful all-in-one platform that streamlines sales and customer support processes, while B2B Rocket is a sales automation tool focused on lead generation and prospecting.

Here's how Distrobird compares to B2B Rocket:

  1. Comprehensive Features: Distrobird integrates multiple tools like campaigns, SMS, cloud phone, web chat, and unified inbox into a single platform. This provides a more holistic solution for managing sales and customer interactions. In contrast, B2B Rocket is primarily an AI-powered sales prospecting and lead generation tool.
  2. Unified Customer View: Distrobird's unified platform gives sales and support teams a complete view of customer interactions across channels. This improves collaboration and provides better context for handling customer needs. B2B Rocket is more narrowly focused on automating outbound prospecting.
  3. Scalability and Flexibility: Distrobird is designed to scale with businesses of all sizes especially small and medium businesses, offering flexible pricing and features. It can adapt to the evolving needs of growing companies. B2B Rocket is a specialized tool that may be better suited for certain sales automation requirements.
  4. Personalized Engagement: Distrobird's features like SMS, web chat, and form tracking enable more personalized and responsive customer engagement. B2B Rocket's AI agents are primarily focused on lead identification and qualification.

In summary, Distrobird provides a more comprehensive and integrated solution for managing the full spectrum of sales and customer support activities, while B2B Rocket is a specialized tool for automating outbound prospecting and lead generation. The choice between the two will depend on the specific needs and priorities of the business.

Distrobird offers a free account, making it accessible to businesses without upfront costs. For more advanced capabilities, businesses can opt for Distrobird's paid plans.

2. Salesforce Sales Cloud

Salesforce Sales Cloud is an industry leader known for its comprehensive features and scalability. It offers functionalities like lead management, opportunity tracking, and forecasting, making it a powerful tool for managing your entire sales pipeline.

Features: Salesforce Sales Cloud is a powerful sales automation and CRM tool that includes:

  • Lead management: Capture, qualify, and nurture leads to drive more opportunities.
  • Opportunity management: Track deals through the sales pipeline and forecast revenue.
  • Account management: Get a 360-degree view of your customers and their interactions.
  • Collaboration tools: Enable sales teams to work together and share information.
  • Workflow automation: Streamline repetitive tasks and boost sales productivity.
  • Reporting and analytics: Gain data-driven insights to optimize sales strategies.
  • Mobile access: Empower sales reps to work on-the-go with the Salesforce mobile app.

Ease of Use: Salesforce is known for its intuitive user interface and customizable dashboards, making it easier to navigate and adopt compared to the more complex B2B Rocket platform. Salesforce also offers extensive training resources and a large ecosystem of third-party apps to extend functionality.

Pricing: Salesforce Sales Cloud has a range of pricing tiers to fit different business needs and budgets, starting at $25 per user per month. In contrast, B2B Rocket's pricing is $1715/month for 5 agents. Salesforce also offers more flexible subscription options.

Integrations: Salesforce seamlessly integrates with a wide variety of business applications, including productivity tools, marketing automation, and accounting software. This allows for a more streamlined and efficient workflow compared to the more limited integration capabilities of B2B Rocket.

Ratings: Salesforce Sales Cloud has significantly more user reviews (over 18,000) than B2B Rocket (around 32), with an average rating of 4.39 out of 5 stars versus 4.66 for B2B Rocket.

3. HubSpot Sales Hub

Features: HubSpot Sales Hub offers a comprehensive set of sales automation and CRM features, including:

  • Deal tracking and pipeline management
  • Automated email sequences and workflows
  • Lead scoring and rating based on demographic and behavioral data
  • Email templates, call recording, and open tracking
  • Meeting scheduling links and live chat
  • Task and reminder scheduling for sales reps

These features help sales teams work more efficiently and effectively.

Ease of Use: HubSpot Sales Hub is designed to be user-friendly for sales, marketing, and service professionals. It has a simple interface that makes it quick and easy to execute sales activities. The platform is also highly customizable to fit the needs of different businesses.

Pricing: HubSpot Sales Hub offers three subscription levels:

  • Starter: 2 paid seats, $25/month per additional user
  • Professional: 5 paid seats, $81/month per additional user
  • Enterprise: 10 paid seats, $110/month per additional user

Pricing for B2B Rocket is more expensive, starting from $1715/month for 5 agents and $2940/month for 10 agents.

Integrations: HubSpot Sales Hub integrates with over 1,090 other tools and applications, making it easy to connect with the systems your business already uses. It also has hundreds of pre-made assets and apps available through HubSpot's marketplace.

Ratings: HubSpot Sales Hub has very high user ratings, with an average of 4.5 out of 5 stars on Capterra. Reviewers praise its ease of use, comprehensive feature set, and ability to streamline sales processes.

Please note: HubSpot Sales Hub's free plan has limited features, and you'll need to upgrade for more advanced functionalities like sales automation and in-depth reporting.

4. stands out for its simplicity and affordability. It offers strong calling features built-in, making it a good option for sales teams that rely heavily on phone communication. also boasts a user-friendly interface, making it easy for your team to get up and running quickly.

Nevertheless, has limited customization options, which might be a drawback for businesses with specific needs or complex sales processes.

Features: offers a robust set of sales automation features, including:

  • Built-in phone dialer and SMS
  • Email templates and sequences
  • Lead and contact management
  • Deal tracking and pipeline management
  • Reporting and analytics

Ease of Use: is known for its intuitive user interface and ease of use. It has a clean design that makes it simple to navigate and execute sales activities. The platform is also highly customizable to fit the needs of different businesses.

Pricing: offers pricing with three subscription levels:

  • Startup: $49/user/month
  • Professional: $99/user/month
  • Enterprise: Custom pricing

Please note: The Startup plan includes all core CRM features.

Integrations: integrates with a variety of popular business tools, including Gmail, Outlook, Zapier, and Xero. It also has a robust API for custom integrations.

Ratings: has excellent user ratings, with an average of 4.7 out of 5 stars on both G2 and Capterra. Reviewers praise its ease of use, feature set, and ability to streamline sales processes.

5. Outreach

Outreach is a powerful sales engagement platform with automation capabilities. It allows you to automate email sequences, track social selling efforts, and gain valuable sales insights through reporting and analytics. Outreach helps you streamline your outreach process and identify areas for improvement in your sales communication.

However, Outreach can have a steeper learning curve due to its robust feature set, and its pricing might be high for smaller teams with limited budgets.

Features: Outreach offers features for automating and improving sales engagement including:

  • Multi-channel outreach (email, phone, SMS, social)
  • Automated sequences and cadences
  • Real-time activity tracking and insights
  • AI-powered recommendations and next-best-actions
  • Integrations with leading CRMs and productivity tools

Ease of Use: The platform is highly customizable, allowing sales reps to quickly set up personalized outreach campaigns. Outreach also provides extensive training resources and a large ecosystem of third-party apps to extend functionality.

Pricing: Outreach has transparent, subscription-based pricing with three main tiers:

  • Starter: $50/user/month
  • Professional: $125/user/month
  • Enterprise: Custom pricing

Integrations: Outreach works smoothly with many popular business tools, including Salesforce, HubSpot, Microsoft 365, and Zendesk. This allows for a more streamlined and efficient sales workflow.

Ratings: Outreach has excellent user ratings, with an average of 4.5 out of 5 stars on G2 and 4.7 out of 5 stars on Capterra.

6. Freshworks CRM

Freshworks CRM is an all-in-one solution that offers good customer support. It includes features like lead management, contact management, and a deal pipeline, making it a well-rounded CRM for managing your sales activities.

Nonetheless, Freshworks CRM has limitations in its reporting and forecasting functionalities. If in-depth sales analytics are crucial for your decision-making, you might need to consider other options.

Features: Freshworks CRM offers features, including:

  • Contact and lead management
  • Deal tracking and pipeline management
  • Email campaigns and templates
  • Telephony and SMS integration
  • AI-powered lead scoring and insights
  • Workflow automation
  • Reporting and analytics

Ease of Use: It has a clean design with a simple menu structure that makes navigation straightforward. The platform is also highly customizable, allowing users to tailor the experience to their specific needs.

Pricing: Freshworks CRM has transparent, subscription-based pricing with four main tiers:

  • Free: $0/user/month
  • Growth: $29/user/month
  • Pro: $69/user/month
  • Enterprise: Custom pricing

The Free and Growth plans provide a good starting point for small businesses.

Integrations: Freshworks CRM integrates with a variety of popular business tools, including G Suite, Office 365, Zapier, and Xero. It also has a robust API for custom integrations.

Ratings: Freshworks CRM has excellent user ratings, with an average of 4.5 out of 5 stars on G2.

7. Odoo Sales

Odoo Sales is an open-source CRM that is cost-effective and highly customizable. This makes it a good option for businesses looking for a budget-friendly solution with the ability to tailor it to their specific needs. Odoo Sales offers a wide range of features, including lead management, opportunity tracking, and quotation generation.

Still, Odoo Sales requires technical expertise for setup and maintenance, which might not be ideal for all businesses. Companies that lack an in-house IT team or technical resources may struggle to get the most out of this CRM.

Features: Odoo Sales's CRM and sales automation platform is made up of a wide range of features including:

  • Customer management: Maintain detailed customer data, sales history, and custom notes.
  • Product management: Create and manage different product types with variants, prices, costs, stock levels, and taxes.
  • Pricing: Flexible pricing options including discounts, special offers, tiered pricing, and custom price lists.
  • Quotations and orders: Create and send quotations, convert to sales orders, and generate invoices or delivery orders.
  • Shipping and delivery: Manage delivery information, shipping methods, and integrate with shipping providers.

Ease of Use: Odoo Sales is known for its customizable dashboards. The platform is designed to be user-friendly, allowing sales reps to quickly navigate and execute their daily tasks.

Pricing: Odoo offers a range of pricing options, including a free edition and paid Enterprise plans. The pricing is transparent, with clear details on the features included in each plan.

Integrations: Odoo Sales seamlessly integrates with other Odoo modules, such as Accounting, Inventory, and eCommerce, as well as various third-party business applications through its extensive app ecosystem. This allows for a more streamlined and efficient workflow compared to the more limited integration capabilities of B2B Rocket.

Ratings: Odoo has a strong user community and positive reviews, with an average rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars on G2 and Capterra.

8. SalesLoft

SalesLoft is another robust sales engagement platform with strong analytics. It offers features like email sequencing, social selling tools, and conversation intelligence to help you improve your sales communication. SalesLoft can be a valuable asset for optimizing your sales outreach and coaching your team members.

Similar to Outreach, SalesLoft's pricing can be high for smaller teams, making it a better fit for enterprises with larger sales forces.

Features: Salesloft is a sales engagement platform that offers the following key features:

  • Streamline outreach across email, phone, SMS, and social channels
  • Real-time activity tracking and performance analytics
  • Integrated dialer and call recording
  • Automate repetitive sales tasks like data entry and follow-ups
  • Customize workflows to fit your team's unique sales process
  • Share content, templates, and best practices across the sales organization
  • Provide real-time feedback and guidance to sales reps

Ease of Use: Salesloft is designed with a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for sales reps to navigate and execute their daily tasks. The platform also offers extensive training resources and a large ecosystem of integrations to enhance functionality.

Pricing: Salesloft has subscription-based pricing:

  • Starter: $100/user/month
  • Professional: $150/user/month
  • Enterprise: Custom pricing

Integrations: Salesloft seamlessly integrates with a wide range of popular business tools, including Salesforce, HubSpot, Microsoft 365, and Zendesk. This allows for a more streamlined and efficient sales workflow.

Ratings: Salesloft has excellent user ratings, with an average of 4.6 out of 5 stars on G2.

9. offers a comprehensive solution that includes lead generation, lead nurturing, and sales automation. This makes it a powerful tool for businesses looking to streamline their entire sales funnel from initial prospect identification to deal closure.

However, has a complex interface and requires significant onboarding, which can be a time commitment for your team. Businesses with limited administrative resources might find the setup process daunting.

Features: offers a comprehensive sales engagement and acceleration platform with the following key features:

  • Multi-channel outreach across email, phone, SMS, and social
  • Automated cadences and sequences to streamline prospecting
  • AI-powered lead scoring and prioritization
  • Intelligent call coaching and conversation guidance
  • Predictive forecasting and pipeline management
  • Integrated dialer and call recording

Ease of Use: is designed with an smooth user interface that makes it easy for sales teams to navigate and execute their daily tasks. The platform also offers extensive training resources and a large ecosystem of integrations to enhance functionality.

Pricing: offers:

  • Starter: $125/user/month
  • Professional: $225/user/month
  • Enterprise: Custom pricing

Integrations: seamlessly integrates with a wide range of popular CRM, marketing automation, and productivity tools, including Salesforce, HubSpot, Microsoft 365, and Zendesk.

Ratings: has strong user ratings, with an average of 4.4 out of 5 stars on G2 and 4.6 out of 5 stars on Capterra.

10. Sales Creatio

Sales Creatio is an all-in-one CRM with marketing automation capabilities. This allows you to manage both your sales and marketing efforts within a single platform. Sales Creatio offers a wide range of features, including lead management, opportunity tracking, social media management, and a mobile app.

Still, Sales Creatio, like some other comprehensive solutions, can have a complex interface and might be expensive for small businesses. If your budget is limited or your sales team is not particularly tech-savvy, Sales Creatio might be an overwhelming choice.

Features: Here are some of the key features from Sales Creatio:

  • Lead and contact management
  • Opportunity tracking and pipeline management
  • Account management and segmentation
  • Workflow automation and business process management

Ease of Use: Sales Creatio is known for its intuitive low-code/no-code interface that makes it easy for both business and IT users to customize the platform to their needs. The interface is highly configurable, allowing users to tailor the experience to their specific roles and preferences.

Pricing: Sales Creatio has subscription-based pricing with several tiers:

  • Team: $30/user/month
  • Enterprise: $50/user/month
  • Enterprise+ (includes BPM): $70/user/month

Creatio also offers a free trial.

Integrations: Sales Creatio seamlessly integrates with Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, Zapier, and various payment gateways. It also has a robust API and low-code tools for custom integrations.

Ratings: Sales Creatio has excellent user ratings, with an average of 4.7 out of 5 stars on G2.

11. Xactly

Xactly focuses on incentive compensation management, helping businesses design commission structures, track quotas, and manage payouts. This can be a valuable tool for improving sales performance by motivating your sales team.

However, Xactly's functionality is limited outside of compensation management. If you're looking for a comprehensive CRM with a broader range of features beyond sales incentives, Xactly might not be the best fit.

Xactly is a strong alternative to B2B Rocket for sales compensation management:

Features: Xactly offers a comprehensive set of sales performance management features, including:

  • Incentive compensation management: Automate the calculation and payment of commissions, bonuses, and other incentives.
  • Territory and quota management: Align sales territories and quotas with business goals.
  • Sales forecasting: Predict future sales based on historical data and current pipeline.
  • Analytics and reporting: Gain insights into sales performance with customizable dashboards and reports.
  • Mobile access: Enable sales reps to view commission statements and performance metrics on-the-go.

Ease of Use: Xactly is known for its intuitive user interface and guided setup process. The platform is designed to be user-friendly, allowing sales operations teams to quickly configure and manage compensation plans. Xactly also provides extensive training resources and a large ecosystem of third-party apps to extend functionality.

Pricing: Xactly has transparent, subscription-based pricing with several tiers:

  • Starter: $10/rep/month
  • Professional: $20/rep/month
  • Enterprise: Custom pricing

Integrations: Xactly seamlessly integrates with leading CRM platforms like Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics, as well as various ERP, HRIS, and business intelligence tools.

Ratings: Xactly has strong user ratings, with an average of 4.3 out of 5 stars on G2 (over 500 reviews) and 4.5 out of 5 stars on Capterra (over 200 reviews).

Choosing the Right CRM for Your Business

There are many customer relationship management (CRM) systems out there, and each one has its strengths and weaknesses. If B2B Rocket is not the right fit for your business, consider some of the alternatives listed above.

In order to choose the best CRM for your business, there are many factors to consider such as budget, features, ease of use, and scalability.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself:

  • Does your business require a complex CRM with a high price tag? Or can you get by with a free or low-cost CRM with more limited features?
  • What are your must-have CRM features? Do you need contact management, lead scoring, or campaign tracking?
  • How technologically savvy is your team? Do you need a CRM that's easy to learn and use, or are you willing to invest time in training your team on a more complex system?
  • How many employees will be using the CRM? Do you need a CRM that can scale as your business grows?

By evaluating these top B2B Rocket alternatives and considering these factors, you can confidently choose the CRM that best suits your specific needs.

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