Capsule CRM vs. Sales CRM: A Comprehensive Comparison (2024)

Choosing a CRM for your small or medium business (SMB) can be tough. Capsule CRM and Sales CRM are popular options, but they have distinct strengths. Explore which one is right for you

Capsule CRM and Sales CRM are two popular customer relationship management (CRM) solutions, each catering to the needs of small to medium-sized businesses. While both platforms offer robust CRM features, there are distinct differences in their pricing, functionality, and overall user experience.

Pricing and Plans

Capsule CRM offers a Starter plan starting at $18 per user per month, billed annually. This plan includes core CRM features such as contact management, calendar, and task management. The Professional plan, priced at $36 per user per month, adds advanced features like custom fields, workflow automation, and sales forecasting.

In comparison, Sales CRM has a Basic plan starting at $8 per user per month, billed annually. This plan provides access to sales pipelines, task management, and basic reporting. The Standard plan, priced at $10 per user per month, unlocks additional features like custom dashboards, automation, and integrations.

Both Capsule CRM and offer free trials, allowing users to explore the platforms before committing to a paid subscription.

Key Features

Capsule CRM:

  • Contact and lead management
  • Calendar and task management
  • Sales pipeline and opportunity tracking
  • Email integration and templates
  • Reporting and analytics Sales CRM:

  • Sales pipeline and deal management
  • Workflow automation and customization
  • Project management and collaboration tools
  • Integrations with popular business apps
  • Customizable dashboards and reporting


Capsule CRM offers a range of integrations, including popular tools like Gmail, Outlook, Zapier, and Xero. Sales CRM also boasts a wide array of integrations, such as Google Suite, Slack, Trello, and Salesforce.

Ease of Use

Both Capsule CRM and Sales CRM are known for their user-friendly interfaces and intuitive navigation. Capsule CRM is often praised for its simplicity and straightforward approach, making it a suitable choice for small businesses and teams with limited CRM experience. Sales CRM, on the other hand, offers a more robust and customizable platform, which may require a slightly steeper learning curve but provides greater flexibility for more complex sales and business processes.

Pros and Cons

Capsule CRM: A Simple Choice for Small Businesses

Capsule CRM shines with its affordability, making it a budget-friendly option for small businesses. Setting up and using the software is a breeze thanks to its intuitive interface. Managing your contacts and leads is a breeze with Capsule's built-in features. Plus, it integrates seamlessly with your email and offers pre-built templates to save you time.

However, Capsule does have limitations. If you crave extensive customization or a plethora of advanced features, you might find it lacking. It also doesn't offer built-in phone or video call functionality, requiring additional integrations for those needs. Sales CRM: Power and Flexibility for Growing Teams Sales CRM takes a different approach, offering a highly customizable platform that can adapt to your specific needs. This flexibility comes with robust workflow automation and collaboration tools, perfect for streamlining your sales process and fostering teamwork. boasts extensive integration options, allowing it to connect seamlessly with the rest of your business tools. The interface is visually appealing and user-friendly, making it easy to learn for most.

However,'s pricing can become steeper as your team grows. Additionally, the out-of-the-box CRM functionality might be limited, requiring some setup to get it functioning exactly as you need. There's also a bit of a learning curve for some users compared to Capsule's simplicity.

Ratings and Reviews

Capsule CRM has a rating of 4.52 out of 5 stars based on 161 reviews, while Sales CRM has a rating of 4.58 out of 5 stars based on 4,663 reviews.

Both platforms are well-regarded by their respective user bases, with Capsule CRM praised for its simplicity and Sales CRM lauded for its flexibility and customization capabilities.

Comparison table for Capsule CRM and Sales CRM

This table provides a side-by-side comparison of the key features, pricing, and other important aspects of Capsule CRM and Sales CRM. It should help you quickly identify the differences between the two platforms and determine which one better suits your business needs.

Feature Capsule CRM Sales CRM
Pricing (per user/month) Starter: $18
Professional: $36
Basic: $8
Standard: $10
Free Trial Yes Yes
Contact and Lead Management
Sales Pipeline and Opportunity Tracking
Calendar and Task Management
Email Integration
Workflow Automation
Reporting and Analytics
Customizable Dashboards
Project Management and Collaboration -
Integrations Gmail, Outlook, Zapier, Xero Google Suite, Slack, Trello, Salesforce
Ease of Use High Moderate
Customization Options Limited High
Phone/Video Call Functionality -
Overall Rating 4.52/5 4.58/5

Both Capsule CRM and Sales CRM offer compelling CRM solutions for small to medium-sized businesses, but the choice between the two will depend on the specific needs and preferences of the organization. Capsule CRM may be the better fit for businesses seeking a straightforward and affordable CRM platform, while Sales CRM may be more suitable for those requiring a highly customizable and feature-rich solution.

Why Distrobird is the Perfect Complement to Your CRM

Distrobird is an all-in-one sales automation platform that offers a comprehensive suite of tools to streamline your sales processes and boost productivity. With features like email automation, SMS campaigns, a cloud call center, and a shared inbox, Distrobird provides everything you need to manage your entire sales funnel in one place.

One of the key advantages of Distrobird is its ability to automatically funnel inbound leads into segmented email sequences based on company or lead characteristics. This ensures that prospects receive targeted and relevant communication, increasing the chances of conversion.

Distrobird also offers a powerful outbound dialer, allowing sales teams to make calls directly from the platform. The built-in power and preview dialers enable users to make as many calls as they want without sacrificing quality

Another standout feature of Distrobird is its unified inbox, which allows teams to track interactions across voice, email, and SMS, including site activities organized in a chronological timeline. This unified view of customer interactions helps sales reps stay on top of their tasks and collaborate more effectively.

In conclusion, Distrobird is the ultimate all-in-one sales automation tool for businesses looking to streamline their sales processes and boost productivity. With its comprehensive features, user-friendly interface, and competitive pricing.

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