Braze Alternatives & Competitors in 2024

Here are top 9 alternatives and competitors to Braze for customer engagement, along with their key features, pricing, target customers, integrations, and how they compare to Braze.

Braze is a leading customer engagement platform that enables businesses to deliver personalized, omnichannel marketing campaigns across email, mobile, web, and more. While Braze offers a robust set of features, some businesses may find that it doesn't fully meet their needs or is not the most cost-effective solution. In such cases, exploring Braze alternatives can be beneficial.

Strengths of Braze

  • Omnichannel marketing automation capabilities
  • Advanced audience segmentation and personalization
  • Real-time data orchestration and unified customer profiles
  • Comprehensive campaign management and optimization tools

Limitations of Braze

  • Enterprise-level pricing may not be suitable for smaller businesses
  • Limited in-app and on-site personalization features compared to some alternatives
  • Potential integration challenges with existing martech stack

What to Look for in Braze Alternatives

When evaluating Braze alternatives, consider factors such as:

  • Feature set (e.g., personalization, automation, analytics)
  • Scalability and ease of use
  • Pricing and value for money
  • Integration capabilities with your existing systems
  • Customer support and implementation assistance

Here are 9 top alternatives to Braze for customer engagement, along with their key features, pricing, target customers, integrations, and how they compare to Braze:

1. Distrobird

Distrobird streamlines customer success. This all-in-one platform unifies customer data, allowing you to personalize engagement across channels. Automate sequences, personalize experiences, and gain valuable insights – all from one place. Distrobird empowers you to build stronger customer relationships and fuel business growth.


  • Omnichannel sales automation across email, SMS, phone, and web forms
  • Shared inbox to track all customer interactions
  • Automated lead routing and qualification based on lead characteristics
  • Cloud call center with power dialer and preview dialer

Pricing: Starts free, enterprise package available

Target Customers: Fast-growing small businesses looking to streamline sales and customer success.

Integrations: Connects with CRMs, marketing automation tools, and other sales software.

Comparison to Braze: Distrobird provides an all-in-one platform for managing the entire sales process, from lead capture to customer engagement. It's a more affordable alternative focused on sales productivity and efficiency.

2. Insider

Insider is a growth marketing platform that offers features like personalization, A/B testing, and marketing automation. It's a good option for businesses that want to create highly targeted and personalized customer experiences.


  • Advanced personalization for websites, mobile apps, and channels like email, SMS, push notifications
  • AI-powered predictive segmentation and recommendations
  • Omnichannel marketing automation
  • Real-time data orchestration and unified customer profiles

Pricing: Customized, contact for quote

Target Customers: Mid-market to enterprise businesses across industries

Integrations: 200+ integrations including Google Analytics, Salesforce, Shopify, Magento, Segment

Comparison to Braze: Insider offers more robust on-site and in-app personalization, a unified customer data platform, and a wider range of supported channels. It's a strong alternative for businesses looking to personalize every customer touchpoint.

3. Adobe Experience Cloud

Adobe Experience Cloud is a suite of marketing and customer experience management (CXM) solutions that includes products like Adobe Campaign, Adobe Target, and Adobe Analytics. It's a good option for large enterprises that need a comprehensive platform for managing all aspects of the customer journey.


  • Analytics, advertising, content management, and commerce tools
  • AI-powered personalization and recommendations
  • Journey orchestration and automation
  • Audience management and segmentation

Pricing: Custom, contact for quote

Target Customers: Enterprise businesses, especially those already using Adobe Creative Cloud

Integrations: Seamless integration with Adobe Creative Cloud, 400+ partner integrations

Comparison to Braze: Adobe offers a more comprehensive suite of marketing and experience tools. It's a good alternative for large enterprises looking for an integrated platform across web, mobile, and offline channels.

4. Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Salesforce Marketing Cloud is a marketing automation platform that provides features like email marketing, social media marketing, and marketing automation. It's a good option for businesses that are already using Salesforce and want a marketing platform that integrates seamlessly with their CRM system.


  • Email studio for email marketing
  • Mobile studio for push notifications and in-app messaging 
  • Advertising studio for ad buying and optimization
  • Journey builder for omnichannel customer journeys

Pricing: Starting from $1,250 Org / Month, 30-day free trial available

Target Customers: Enterprises, especially those using Salesforce CRM

Integrations: Native integration with Salesforce CRM, 1000+ AppExchange partners

Comparison to Braze: Salesforce is a strong alternative for existing Salesforce customers looking to unify marketing and CRM data. It offers robust email and mobile marketing capabilities.

5. Oracle Responsys

Oracle Responsys is a marketing automation platform that provides features like email marketing, social media marketing, and mobile marketing. It's a good option for businesses that are looking for a platform that can help them reach their customers across multiple channels.


  • Cross-channel campaign management
  • Audience segmentation and targeting
  • Email and mobile marketing
  • Real-time interaction management

Pricing: The price per 10,000 Contacts for Eloqua Marketing Basic (in USD) is $450 (4,500/10) and the total price for that band is $4,500.

Target Customers: Mid-market to enterprise businesses

Integrations: Oracle Marketing Cloud suite, 3rd party integrations via API

Comparison to Braze: Oracle Responsys provides a comprehensive platform for cross-channel campaign orchestration and real-time customer engagement. It's a good option for enterprises in retail, travel, and financial services.

6. Iterable

Iterable is a cross-channel marketing platform that provides features like email marketing, SMS marketing, and push notifications. It's a good option for businesses that want a platform that can help them reach their customers across multiple channels.


  • Growth marketing platform for email, mobile, and web
  • Workflow studio for omnichannel customer journeys
  • Optimization tools for A/B testing and recommendations
  • Data flexibility with a customer data platform

Pricing: Contact for quote, 14-day free trial

Target Customers: High-growth B2C companies, especially in ecommerce, travel, and media

Integrations: 200+ native integrations including Shopify, Stripe, Twilio, Snowflake

Comparison to Braze: Iterable offers a flexible, API-first platform with strong workflow capabilities. It's a good alternative for businesses looking to scale their marketing programs quickly across channels.

7. WebEngage

WebEngage is a customer engagement platform that provides features like omnichannel marketing automation, push notifications, and in-app messaging. It's a good option for businesses that want to improve their customer engagement across multiple channels.


  • Customer data platform 
  • Omnichannel marketing automation
  • In-app and on-site engagement
  • Retention optimization

Pricing: Custom enterprise plans available

Target Customers: Mid-market to enterprise B2C companies, especially in ecommerce, fintech, and media

Integrations: Shopify, Magento, WooCommerce, Mixpanel, Segment

Comparison to Braze: WebEngage provides a smooth platform for customer data unification, segmentation, and cross-channel engagement. It's a cost-effective alternative for mid-market businesses.

8. CleverTap

CleverTap is a customer engagement platform that provides features like omnichannel marketing automation, user segmentation, and real-time analytics. It's a good option for businesses that are looking for a platform that can help them improve their customer retention and engagement.


  • Customer engagement and retention platform
  • Audience segmentation and predictive analytics
  • Omnichannel campaigns for mobile, web, email, SMS
  • Cohort analysis and churn prediction

Pricing: Starts at $75/month, custom enterprise plans

Target Customers: Mobile-first businesses, especially in gaming, fintech, retail

Integrations: Amplitude, Mixpanel, Segment, Zapier

Comparison to Braze: CleverTap is a mobile-focused alternative with strong retention and analytics capabilities. It's a good choice for mobile-first businesses looking to optimize user engagement and reduce churn.

9. Emarsys

Emarsys is a marketing automation platform that provides features like email marketing, SMS marketing, and personalization. It's a good option for businesses that want a platform that can help them automate their marketing campaigns.


  • AI-driven marketing platform
  • Email, mobile, social, and web personalization
  • Predictive recommendations and send-time optimization
  • Loyalty and retention tools

Pricing: Contact for quote

Target Customers: Mid-market to enterprise B2C companies, especially in retail, travel, and financial services

Integrations: SAP, Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, Magento, Shopify

Comparison to Braze: Emarsys provides AI-powered personalization and loyalty tools across channels. It's a good alternative for enterprises looking to drive customer lifetime value.

In conclusion, Braze is a powerful customer engagement platform, but it may not be the best fit for all businesses. By exploring the 9 alternatives presented, you can find a solution that aligns with your specific needs, budget, and technology requirements. These alternatives offer a range of capabilities across customer data unification, omnichannel marketing automation, personalization, and analytics. The best choice depends on factors like company size, industry, tech stack, and specific use cases.

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